Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. canzone caparison cantorial capeline capelocracy capias capillaceous capilotade capistrate capitation capitalism capitulary capnomancy capric caponier capreolate caple caprifoliaceous capriform caprine capriole capripede cardimelech cardinalitial cardiognost cardinal cardioid cardiograph cardophagus carfax caricology careen carferal caret carinated caricous cariniform cariogenic cariole carioca caritative carious carnaptious carminative carneous carnassial caritive carking carnet cashmere caseous carniferous carnificial carnifex carnificine carpal carpogenous carrack carriwitchet cartiliginous cartomancy cartophily cartulary cartouche carronade carpophagous carpology carphology caroche carnose carnification carucate caruncle casefy caschrom cascabel caryatid cassideous cashmerette casern casemate casque cassock cassimere cassation castaneous castellar castellan castophrenia castellated castral castory castrametation casuistry casualism catabaptism catachresis catachthonian catalactics catadromous catafalque catamite catalectic catamount catalactic catapedamania cataplasm cataphysical cataphract cataplexy catasta catarrhine catarolysis catastaltic catacoustics cathexis cathedra cathisophobia catholicon catholicos cathisma catogenic catoptric caudal catoptromancy cathead cathetometer caudiform catenular cateran capstan captation captious capuchin caracole caravanserai carbuncle